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The LA Rebellion series screenings on November 20th showcased filmmaker’s films on art and artists. The night opened with Elyseo Taylor’s Black Art, Black Artists and closed with Zeinabu irene Davis’s Trumpetistically, Clora Bryant.

Signature image for L.A. Rebellion is a still from Ashes & Embers (1982)
December 8, 2011 - 9:47 am

After nine weeks of screenings, I was somewhat surprised to see Alile Sharon Larkin’s Dreadlocks and the Three Bears (1991), a charming re-telling of the fairy tale “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.”  Where the other films of the series tend to be addressed to adult audiences, Dreadlocks and the Three Bears seems to have a child

Signature image for L.A. Rebellion is a still from Ashes & Embers (1982)
December 5, 2011 - 2:57 pm

Writer, director Charles Burnett’s fourteen minute short The Horse (1973) is a visually romantic and eloquent film.  It has been described as a coming-of-age tale though it feels more like a peek into the collision of two worlds.

Signature image for L.A. Rebellion is a still from Ashes & Embers (1982)
December 5, 2011 - 2:42 pm

Defining a Black Aesthetic in Black Art, Black Artists

Signature image for L.A. Rebellion is a still from Ashes & Embers (1982)
December 5, 2011 - 2:37 pm

“We were scarred in so many ways.” —Julie Dash, The Diary of an African Nun Q&A (11/19/2011)
