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On December 2nd, Alile Sharon Larkin’s Your Children Come Back to You screened as part of the L.A. Rebellion series.  It struck a cord with me, as the issues of cultural tug-of-war and social class are just as strong today as they were when the film was made in 1979.

A gorgeous new print of Charles Burnett’s To Sleep with Anger (1990) screened at the Billy Wilder Theater on Wednesday night, December 7th. It was a rare treat for many reasons, not least of which being that the film, which won four Independent Spirit Awards, has never been released on DVD.

Art and business can be a tricky marriage.  When an artist makes a business of his craft, one important question is who should be the one who benefits?   The artist may argue that the creator should, of course, because that artistry wouldn’t otherwise exist if it weren’t for the person who created it.  The business or entity that helped the crea

Although actually her first film, Friday night’s screening of Alile Sharon Larkin’s UCLA works ended with Your Children Come Back to You (1979).

Signature image for L.A. Rebellion is a still from Ashes & Embers (1982)
December 16, 2011 - 9:25 am

Incompatible Worlds
