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Zero Patience (1993)

Directed by John Greyson

John Greyson’s genre-bending feature explores/explodes the myth of the introduction of HIV to North America by one individual, dubbed “Patient Zero.” Greyson treats this notion with fanciful invention, positing a sinister plot to demonize a historic victim, and dressing up the scenario with outrageously staged musical numbers, effectively tempering rage with defiant humor and offering one restorative myth in place of another.

Producer: Louise Garfield, Anna Stratton. Screenwriter: John Greyson. Cinematographer: Miroslaw Baszak. Editor: Miume Jan. Cast: John Robinson, Normand Fauteux, Dianne Heatherington, Richardo Keens-Douglas, Bernard Behrens. 

35mm, color, 96 min.