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Trapeze (1956)

Directed by Carol Reed

A headlining trapeze artist before coming to Hollywood, Burt Lancaster had long wanted to produce a circus story and Trapeze proved to be one of the biggest hits of his career. Performing almost all his own aerial stunts, Lancaster plays a circus veteran sidelined by injury with Tony Curtis as the ambitious youth who comes looking to learn the trick that ended his career. Gina Lollobrigida plays the equally driven performer whose ambition threatens to bring them all crashing down.

United Artists Corp. Producer: James Hill. Based on the novel by Max Catto. Screenwriter: James R. Webb. Cinematographer: Robert Krasker. Cast: Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis, Gina Lollobrigida, Katy Jurado, Thomas Gomez.  

35mm, color, 105 min.

Watch the trailer below.