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The Tall T (1957)

Directed by Budd Boetticher

The Tall T opens as a bucolic comedy before veering sharply into dark, violent territory. The sudden shift introduces a nerve-wracking unpredictability to the fate of Randolph Scott’s struggling rancher who’s taken hostage with the daughter of a wealthy mine owner by a trio of killers. Henry Silva delivers a riveting turn as a particularly sociopathic gunslinger in one of Boetticher’s most powerful explorations of the evil that men do.

Colombia Pictures Corp. Producer: Harry Joe Brown. Screenwriter: Burt Kennedy. Based on the novel by Elmore Leonard. Cinematographer: Charles Lawton, Jr. Editor: Al Clark. Cast: Randolph Scott, Richard Boone, Maureen O’Sullivan, Arthur Hunnicutt, Skip Homeier.

35mm, color, 78 min.