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Restored by UCLA Film & Television Archive with funding provided by The Winklevoss Foundation in memory of Frank Leonard.

The Midnight Patrol  (1933)

Preceded by

Novice police officers Laurel & Hardy have an eventful evening when they’re called to investigate a housebreaking.  Hampered by a lost address, an irritable safecracker, and an uncooperative house, the boys’ determination to serve and protect leads to a series of comic mishaps, as they find their suspect isn’t quite who he seems to be.  —Nina Rao

Director: Lloyd French. Production: Hal Roach Studios, Inc.  Distribution: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.  Producer: Hal Roach.  Cinematographer: Art Lloyd.  Editor: Bert Jordan.  Cast: Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Bob Kortman, Charlie Hall, Frank Brownlee.  35mm, b/w, 20 min.

Restored from a 35mm nitrate picture lavender and 35mm track negatives, and a 35mm nitrate composite lavender print.  Laboratory services by The Cinemalab, Audio Mechanics, DJ Audio.  Special thanks to: Sonar Entertainment, The British Film Institute.