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Heroes for Sale  (1933)

Remarkable for its frank handling of controversial subjects, this Depression-era drama depicts the struggle of a WWI veteran, who after taking shrapnel in the spine, becomes addicted to morphine.  His contacts with drug-peddling gangsters and Bolshevik agitators land him in jail, away from the young son he had during a brief marriage.  Richard Barthelmess brings the appropriate earnestness to his role as one of the "forgotten men" whose fortunes rise and fall with history.

First National Pictures, Inc.  Producer: Hal B. Wallis.  Director: William A. Wellman.  Screenwriter: Wilson Mizner.  Cinematography: James Van Trees.  Editor: Howard Bretherton.  Cast: Richard Barthelmess, Aline MacMahon, Loretta Young, Gordon Westcott, Robert Barrat.  35mm, b/w, 76 min.