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Restored by UCLA Film & Television Archive as part of “Saving the Silents,” with funding provided by the Stanford Theatre Foundation.

The Fighting Blade (1923)

Directed by John S. Robertson.

The first in a series of costume dramas starring Barthelmess during this period—including The Bright ShawlThe Fighting Blade finds the silent-era heartthrob in fighting form as a soldier of fortune embroiled in the English Civil War.  As Variety described the film’s sweep at the time, “'In power of incident and in climacteric [sic] punch, The Fighting Blade has much that neck-and-necks with Dumas.”

Inspiration Pictures, Inc.  Screenwriter:  Josephine Lovett, Don Bartlett.  Cinematographer: George J. Folsey.  Editor: William Hamilton.  Cast: Richard Barthelmess, Lee Baker, Morgan Wallace, Bradley Barker, Frederick Burton.

35mm, b/w, silent with musical accompaniment, 90 min.

Live musical accompaniment will be provided by Cliff Retallick.