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Bombshell (1933)

Directed by Victor Fleming

Lola Burns is a big movie star who functions as a cash cow for both her family and her film studio, the latter’s publicity department turning out a steady stream of outrageous fabrications to keep her in the limelight. But Lola only wants to be loved for herself in this screwball comedy that lampoons Clara Bow and Jean Harlow’s own emerging star persona. Given the nastiness of all the other leading men, Harlow not only carries the picture, she turns it into a one-woman show. Ironically, Fleming refused credit on both this film and Red Dust, two of his best works. 

MGM. Screenwriter: John Lee Mahin, Jules Furthman. Cinematographer: Harold Rosson. Editor: Margaret Booth. Cast: Jean Harlow, Lee Tracy, Frank Morgan.

35mm, b/w, 96 min.