Original air date unknown; only record date known.
Cast: Gertrude Berg (Molly Goldberg); James R. Waters (Jake Goldberg); Roslyn Silber (Rosalie Goldberg); Alfred Ryder (Sammy Goldberg); Menasha Skulnik (Uncle David).
Announcer introduction: "Tears, tears, idle tears... is a line, Jake would say, from one of the idle lovers of humanity... Jake, you must all know by now, is completely unsympathetic to Molly's experiments in salvation. And Molly is certainly a lover of humanity... though she couldn't be called exactly idle. For Molly knows, through George's confession, that Grace is not her daughter-in-law, but a liar and a cheat, who came with her real husband, George, to swindle the Goldbergs... and yet she is giving Grace a chance to voluntarily confess and turn over a new leaf. The first step Molly took towards the girl's salvation was to put George at the head of a committee on juvenile delinquency and to see that he had charge of all the money collected. When Grace persuaded George to give her the money... Jake and Rosie lost faith in Molly's experiment... but now Molly is convinced that she has been right all along... Listen..."
Announcer close: "Jake kind of pushed Molly off the subject of Grace... but the problem remains what made Grace cry last night when she and Molly talked... is the girl changing... or not?"
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