United Farm Workers pickets in front of a Los Angeles Safeway grocery store with signs urging people not to buy Red Coach lettuce. Cesar Chavez talks about how the UFW has spent their entire strike fund and is now borrowing and soliciting money. Representatives from both the United Auto Workers and the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor present Chavez with checks to aid their strike efforts. Chavez also states he is in Los Angeles to shift the focus from boycotting non-union lettuce, which can be hard for consumers to recognize, to focus on the Bruce Church Company, the largest unsigned company. They distribute lettuce that is wrapped and labeled with the Red Coach label making consumers able to easily identify it.
Note: The KTLA newsfilm collection at UCLA consists of cut and unedited stories, outtakes and fill footage, originally shot on 16mm reversal film stock with magnetic soundtrack. Some footage, particularly material not used for broadcast, may be without sound.
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