"...the movie engrosses from beginning to end as an inventive, playful, semi-tragic drama of marriage, jealousy, love, death and filmmaking in modern-day Tehran." — Indiewire
"Ultimately, this is yet another reminder that Iran is awash with world-class film-makers" — Hollywood Reporter
Directed by Ali Mosaffa
Cagily narrating this labyrinthine story from beyond the grave, architect Khosrow (Mosaffa) recalls the mysterious fall that led to his demise, and his complicated marriage to a beautiful actress (Hatami). In only his second directed feature, Mosaffa realizes an extraordinarily rich, emotional drama, brimming with invention and surprise.
Producer: Ali Mosaffa. Screenwriter: Ali Mosaffa. Cinematographer: Alireza Barazandeh. Editor: Fardin Sahebzamani. Cast: Leila Hatami, Ali Mosaffa, Alireza Aghakhani, Hamed Behdad, Kianoosh Gerami.
35mm, color, in Persian with English subtitles, 88 min.
Watch the trailer below.