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Joel Grey leaning towards a reflective wall in Cabaret.
May 11, 2025 - 7:00 pm

Admission is free. No advance reservations. Your seat will be assigned to you when you pick up your ticket at the box office. Seats are assigned on a first come, first served basis. The box office opens one hour before the event.


U.S., 1972

Liza Minnelli and Joel Grey’s iconic performance of “Money, Money (Makes the World Go Round)” has been dropped onto social media countless times over the past few years. Watching it in context of the film’s narrative is to marvel not only at the performances of the stars and the direction and choreography of Bob Fosse, but to appreciate the biting commentary embedded in it all. With Christopher Isherwood’s 1939 novel Goodbye to Berlin as its root material, Cabaret looks at the decadence and darkness of Nazism’s rise in Germany through glitzy-framed glasses that are far from rose-tinted.—guest programmer Ernest Hardy

DCP, color, 124 min. Director: Bob Fosse. Screenwriter: Jay Presson Allen. With: Liza Minnelli, Michael York, Helmut Griem.