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Raising Bertie

Raising Bertie
September 16, 2016 - 7:30 pm
Margaret Byrne, Ian Kibbe, Jon Stuyvesant.

Los Angeles premiere!

Raising Bertie  (2016)

The inexorable changing of the seasons, beautifully shot by cinematographer Jon Stuyvesant, lends a poetic undercurrent to director Margaret Byrne’s intensely personal six-year portrait of three young African American boys growing into adulthood in rural Bertie County, North Carolina.  All students at The Hive, an alternative school for struggling kids, until its funding gets cut, Byrne’s subjects fight to define themselves and build futures in an environment where opportunities are hard to find.

DCP, color, 100 min.  Director: Margaret Byrne.  Producer: Margaret Byrne, Ian Kibbe.  Cinematographer: Jon Stuyvesant.

Preceded by

Trick Bag  (1974)

Bringing their cameras to parks, street corners, factory gates and homes around Chicago, Kartemquin filmmakers sound the state of race relations in the city in this remarkable document that reverberates into the contemporary moment.

16mm, b/w, 21 min.  DIR: Kartemquin Films, Rising Up Angry, Columbia College.