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Voices of the Gods  /  Let the Church Say Amen!

Voices of the Gods  (1985)
July 19, 2015 - 7:00 pm

Voices of the Gods  (1985)

A rare and sensitive social document, Alfred J. Santana’s film details ancient African religions practiced in the contemporary United States, critically illustrating the disrespect afforded these practices by American mass media.

Director: Alfred J. Santana.  16mm, color, 58 min.

Let the Church Say Amen!  (1974)

Filmmaker St. Clair Bourne’s masterful documentary surveys the Black church in America through the perspective of a young minister-in-training, traveling from church to church.  Comparing the sustenance afforded to some Christians, and the embattled position of some churches witnessing urban ills and the rise of ideologically opposed Black Muslims, Bourne’s protagonist stands on the brink of fascinating spiritual and social evolutions.

Producer: St. Clair Bourne.  Director: St. Clair Bourne.  Cinematographer: Leroy Lucas.  Editor: Madeline Anderson.  BetaSP, color, 60 min.