Directed by Roberto Gavaldón
In this exquisite Mexican film noir, Arturo de Córdova portrays “Karin,” a charlatan clairvoyant whose psychic glimpses into the secrets of society ladies are actually gleaned by his wife from the gossipy beauty salon where she works. Consulted by a wealthy woman rumored to have murdered her millionaire husband, Karin enters into an intoxicating and destructive affair with this captivating femme fatale.
Producer: Felipe Mier, Óscar J. Brooks. Screenwriter: Jose Revueltas, Roberto Gavaldón, based on a story by Luis Spota. Cinematographer: Alex Phillips. Editor: Charles L. Kimball. Cast: Arturo de Córdova, Leticia Palma, Carmen Montejo, Ramón Gay, Consuelo Guerrero de Luna.
35mm, b/w, in Spanish with English subtitles, 90 min.