The moon seemed perennially full on screen in the 1980s, a decade that saw more than its share of classic---and not-so-classic---werewolf movies including Wolfen (1981), The Howling petrology (1981-1989), The Company of Wolves (1984), Silver Bullet (1985) and Teen Wolf (1985), to name a few. Towering above them all is writer-director John Landis’ An American Werewolf in London (1981). A defining film of the era, American Werewolf proved wildly successful thanks to Landis’ deft balance of comedy and horror while Rick Baker’s Academy Award–winning makeup effects set the bar for technical mastery. The film’s influence can be felt in the work of next generation filmmakers such as Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead) but its impact extends well beyond movies. After seeing American Werewolf, Michael Jackson asked Landis to direct a short film set to his hit song, “Thriller.” Thirty years ago this year, Landis agreed and reconvened the creative team behind Werewolf, including Baker, producer George Folsey Jr. and costume designer Deborah Nadoolman Landis, to contribute to another landmark, genre-bending work that transformed the art of the music video forever.
The Archive is thrilled to present both these seminal titles, An American Werewolf in London and the long-form music video for “Thriller,” on 35mm with Landis, Baker, Folsey and Nadoolman Landis, in person.