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5. Cinema Revisited

Film Is. 7-Comic (2002)
September 7, 2012 - 7:30 pm

Revisiting classical cinema in order to reinvent and create entirely new artistic visions is an attribute of Austrian avant-garde audiovisual production over the past twenty-five years, and it also represents a source of fascination for today’s curious filmgoers. Here, images of Barbara Stanwyck are reappropriated, Anna Magnani’s voice accompanies scenes of Italian suburbia, Mickey Rooney and July Garland are vivisectioned, Barbara Hershey is attacked by the apparatus, and the poetry of early cinema is resurrected in all its beauty in Film Is. All this, in addition to material taken from hundreds of other sources, contributes to the creation of unique cinematographic languages.

Total running time: 81 min.

The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog (2009)

Directed by Johann Lurf

35mm, color, 3 min.

Alone. Life Wastes Andy Hardy (1998)

Directed by Martin Arnold

16mm, b/w, 15 min. 

Borgate (2008)

Directed by Lotte Schreiber

Digital video, color, b/w, 15 min.

Outer Space (1999)

Directed by Peter Tscherkassky

35mm, b/w,10 min.

Film Is. 7–Comic (2002)

Directed by Gustav Deutsch

35mm, color, b/w, 19 min.

Mosaik Mècanique (Notes on Film 03) (2008)

Directed by Norbert Pfaffenbichler

35mm, b/w, 9 min. 

Picture Again (2003)

Directed by Linda Christanell

16mm, color, silent, 10 min. 

Zwölf Boxkämpfer jagen Viktor quer über den großen Sylter Deich 140 9 (2009)

Directed by Johann Lurf

35mm, color, 3 min.