Reporter Mike Botula covers a press conference in which Howard Jarvis states his case for Proposition 13. The ballot measure would limit property taxes to one percent of the property's assessed value. While opponents argue that Proposition 13 would result in cuts to vital services, Jarvis argues there is significant waste that could be cut first. He wants the people to realize that this is democracy in action and their voice matters. Michael D. Antonovich also speaks during part of the press conference. He is running for Lieutenant Governor of California and has been endorsed by Howard Jarvis. Antonovich offers counterarguments to those being offered by people opposed to Proposition 13, and indicates that if he were elected Lieutenant Governor, he would work to cut the fat from the state budget. A second related press conference features a man announcing the group Californians for Proposition 13 is filing a suit against County Assessor Alexander Pope. They allege the rollback imposed by Pope and the County Board of Supervisors the previous week is an illegal political move to influence people to vote against Proposition 13. They are filing suit in order for people to know the legality of this situation prior to the election. The material also includes footage of Mike Botula on Hollywood Boulevard filming takes for his segment of the story. Other footage includes shots of houses and neighborhoods, a fire truck, a police car and police officers, and reporters at the press conference. Some segments that contain the reporter's voiceover are audio only. There is no accompanying picture for these segments. Other segments of the press conference have picture, but no accompanying sound.
Note: The KTLA newsfilm collection at UCLA consists of cut and unedited stories, outtakes and fill footage, originally shot on 16mm reversal film stock with magnetic soundtrack. Some footage, particularly material not used for broadcast, may be without sound.
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