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Tag: religion in public schools

Host: André DeShields.  Featured guests: George Ratliff, Klaus Wowereit, Harvey Fierstein, Christian de la Huerta, Lesley Gore, Bill Thomas, Judith Light, Keith Boykin, Jason Stuart, Patricia Clarkson.

Summary: The first episode of season 12 begins with a segment on the fifth anniversary of Matthew Shepard's death and the rise of hate crimes, with an emphasis on Sakia Gunn. The Real to Reel segment is about George Ratliff's documentary, Hell House. The next segment examines religion in the classroom and an Arkansas public school administration's treatment of a gay student. Another segment focuses on the political evolution of Germany and Klaus Wowereit, the openly gay mayor of Berlin. Next, four lesbian Muslims discuss their experiences with gender, religion and sexuality. Harvey Fierstein's Out Takes segment is titled "3 Questions." Christian de la Huerta, Lesley Gore, Bill Thomas, Judith Light, Keith Boykin and Jason Stuart provide historical PSAs throughout the episode, and Patricia Clarkson provides the celebrity ID.

Note: Some audio content removed due to copyright restrictions.
3:10 - 3:39: Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, "Find the Cost of Freedom"
52:21 - 54:31: Joe Jackson, "Real Men"

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