Original air date unknown; only record date known.
Cast: Gertrude Berg (Molly Goldberg); James R. Waters (Jake Goldberg); Roslyn Silber (Rosalie Goldberg); Alfred Ryder (Sammy Goldberg); Menasha Skulnik (Uncle David).
Announcer introduction: "In a swift maneuver Molly's daughter-in-law stalked out of the Goldberg house, leaving the Goldbergs confused and unhappy, feeling guilty for driving out Sammy's wife... The check which was the visible proof that Grace was out to get money from the Goldbergs... has apparently been torn up... On the other hand, Grace was triumphant... for she tore up not the check but a useless piece of paper, and she and George left, Grace with the intention of getting to New York and cashing in on her little scheme. So in the end it appears as if this strange girl that Sammy married has won out on all points... and the Goldbergs have lost... Listen..."
Announcer close: "A sudden hysteria seized Grace at the prospect of facing Molly again... and now... perhaps she has climaxed her whole life in this terrible moment."
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