Original air date unknown; only record date known.
Cast: Gertrude Berg (Molly Goldberg); James R. Waters (Jake Goldberg); Roslyn Silber (Rosalie Goldberg); Alfred Ryder (Sammy Goldberg); Menasha Skulnik (Uncle David).
Announcer introduction: "The squeeze on Grace is getting tighter and tighter. Molly's daughter-in-law was able to weather Rosie's suspicions, because Molly was head over heels in love with her new daughter-in-law. But suddenly... as if someone had flashed a light in a dark room, Molly's perspective changed... She remembered the strange way in which Grace first arrived in Lastenbury... she remembered that her son hasn't been heard from... she began to see George in a new light and to doubt if Grace's reason for wanting Rosie's insurance money was really the truth... And now, Grace, alarmed by Molly's attitude doesn't know how to turn, and Molly, perturbed, suspicious, doesn't know how to proceed... Listen..."
Announcer close: "But Grace has more to hide than even Molly or we suspect... There is one deadly fact, one deadly revelation which will be more shocking than any of Grace's other tricks... more than her duplicity, her lies about her sister, her desire to get the money, her relationship to George..."
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