Original air date unknown; only record date known.
Cast: Gertrude Berg (Molly Goldberg); James R. Waters (Jake Goldberg); Roslyn Silber (Rosalie Goldberg); Alfred Ryder (Sammy Goldberg); Menasha Skulnik (Uncle David).
Announcer introduction: "Rosie's suspicions of her sister-in-law were bound to hit a stone wall when she learned that Grace was going to have a baby. It ruined all Rosie's hopes of forcing a showdown between Grace and George... As a result, Rosie capitulated... she signed her insurance policy over to Grace... and she told Grace to forget George... while Grace pretended she didn't know what Rosie was talking about... But meanwhile, Rosie, in an effort to avert a disaster, told George not to come to the Goldbergs... only George did walk over just a few minutes ago and Rosie ran to meet him, furious, bewildered, unhappy... Listen..."
Announcer close: "Grace sits out in the sun near the maple... and George stands there... and they look innocent and simple in the summer scene... but Rosie is right... and she'd better be right before the effect of this alliance gets home to Molly..."
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