Original air date unknown; only record date known.
Cast: Gertrude Berg (Molly Goldberg); James R. Waters (Jake Goldberg); Roslyn Silber (Rosalie Goldberg); Alfred Ryder (Sammy Goldberg); Menasha Skulnik (Uncle David).
Announcer introduction: "Molly's daughter-in-law is going to have a baby. This simple statement can never suggest the immense significance of this in Molly's life. For Sammy is overseas, unheard from as yet... and the girl Grace... has become a substitute for Sammy... But Rosie Goldberg knows that Grace is a liar, untrustworthy, and something of a fraud... and Rosie knows that there is some connection between Grace and a neighbor named George... But Rosie, because of the child that is coming... is willing to stop fighting Grace... if the George tie-up can be broken... It's not an easy thing to do... because It's based on surmises... not facts... But Rosie is determined and meanwhile Molly and Jake are singing like a pair of silly, happy birds... Listen..."
Announcer close: "The shadow of the baby is now all sunlight in the Goldberg house... but Rosie knows that the relationship between Grace and George, whatever it is has to be stopped... But even though we know more than Rosie, there seem to be depths that we haven't plumbed as yet..."
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